Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Donating for the "Cause"

I've spoken to many of you already to explain my bigger plan and how this NLP certification is going to help take me to the next level.  (http://www.globalnlptraining.com/) If you're not interested in ordering some goodies, you can support by using the 'donate' button in the sidebar.  You can enter whatever amount you'd like, every $1 is appreciated.  Thank you very much in advance!!! 

I'm happy to say I am now taking orders for my Signature Key Lime pie ($15 ea).... homemade, fresh squeezed juice and made from scratch crust topped with homemade whip cream...mmmm yum

(I also make Key Lime Cheesecake, Low Calorie fruit (your choice) Swirl Cheesecake, and of course NY Style Cheesecake ($25, extra $5 for berry topping for NY Cheesecake.)

Please send an email for all your orders. Hurry, Christmas & New Years is right around the corner.  I'm so excited I have 5 pies and 3 cheesecakes ordered already for xmas!!!

Please feel free to ask questions right here on the blog, some may actually have the same questions.

Stay tuned, I'll be posting my story in more detail by the end of the week as well as posting a timeline/deadlines for tuituion/registration and travel arrangements for the class

Monday, December 13, 2010

Pursuing My Passion

Hello my name is Sonya,

I've created this blog for several reasons.

1) To post my steps & updates in pursuing my passions....current focus: Amsterdam, NLP Master Practitioner-May 7-22, 2011

2) A place where my supporters can donate for the "cause", meaning specifically me and my class tuition

3) This is also the framework for setting up a scholarship I plan to call "pursue your passion"....more on this later

Comments and questions welcomed

Thank for visiting....come back as I continue to build and post :)