Friday, February 18, 2011

Milestone #1

FINALLY!!!  I've officially registered for the class.....$800.00

Next is my airfare. approx. $900-1100 (goal sooner than later, but hopefully not beyond end of March)

Rooming seems to be coming together, waiting for confirmation from the 2nd party (friend of a friend) to contact me via email :)  (this will save lots...up to approx $3500 at min $2000 )

Tuition: $4789 (discount of $500 for travel subtract $800reg)- $1300= Balance $3489 (this is early regisitration by March 26th)

A BIG Thank you for ALL of your contributions!!! Still got lots of work to do....but i'm SOOOOO exCITed!  ONLY 10weeks away