Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Slow Down to Go Faster By Maryanne O'Brien / August 9, 2011

I really liked the quick breakdown of this article. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. From Contributor's Corner on (magazine)

Most of us experience moments of feeling overwhelmed by life. When our daily demands far exceed our capacity. We quicken our pace, draw upon our reserves and, somehow, summon the energy we need to push through another day.

If we're not careful, feeling overwhelmed can become a pattern that keeps us stuck. When our energy is depleted, even small challenges push us into crisis mode. We react without thinking. We make expedient choices. And we drain our remaining energy until we're completely tapped.

Without a daily practice that keeps us feeling positive, inspired and energized we severely limit our potential. We compromise our health. We flood our bodies with toxic emotions. And we make it far more difficult to achieve the goals that connect us to the happiness, meaning and satisfaction we crave in our lives.

Clearly, renewing and sustaining our energy is critical to our success. It requires we slow down and invest in ourselves. It means reflecting and learning from our experiences, so we can see what restores us and what drains us. And it means we put ourselves on To-Do lists each day.

It's amazing how a few simple changes can boost our energy and transform our experiences.

When we consistently recharge our energy - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual - we create the reserves we need for life's unexpected turns. We gain the strength, happiness, clarity and connection that fuels passion and productivity.

Make it a habit to invest in your energy every day. Start by putting one restorative idea into action and build from there. No matter how small the change, every investment adds up!

Here are a few daily practice ideas to help you get started:

Physical Energy
• Exercise for 30 minutes and lift your mood for 12 hours
• Sleep for 7-8 hours each night
• Eat a healthy breakfast and pack nutritious snacks
• Drink 8-10 glasses of water each day
• Limit exposure to EMFs - cellphone, Wi-Fi, screens

Emotional Energy
• Write down five things you are grateful for each day
• Share the day's highlights with your family and friends
• Volunteer in some way that inspires you
• Spend time outdoors soaking up nature's energy
• Create more beauty in your environment

Mental Energy
• Meditate and quiet your mind (5-15 minutes)
• Unplug from technology each day
• Reduce the clutter in your environment
• Practice mindfulness and being present
• Set positive expectations and visualize things working out

Spiritual Energy
• Align your actions with your values
• Commit random acts of kindness
• Set positive, daily intentions
• Read something that inspires you
• Count your blessings every day - write them down

Get good at living™!